A year ago I literally discovered myself a passion for plants. Not that I hated them before, but they are all fine in the garden at home, most of the time autonomous and doing their stuffs by themselves. I din't have to take much care of them, and it was all fine with me. But, when I moved to Basel for a year, in a flat, I missed the garden and the contact with plants that I could have there. I mean, just looking at the window could boost my mood, yet there it was mainly grey in our neighborhood, and I wanted plants. So I got myself some succulents and cactus, and let's not exaggerate by saying that it did change my life because it won't be true, but let's say that it did cheer me up a bit.
I really loved taking care of them, watering them, changing pots when they grew up. Does that sound weird? I feel like I am talking about a kid, but let's say that a cactus is much easier to deal with. Anyhoo, I started to look at plants with a different gaze, and started to figure them much more easily indoor. Now, as it does happen a lot with me when I discover myself a new passion, it became an obsession. Back at home - didn't want to have any plant in Amsterdam since I don't have any fixed accommodation, and I will be moving away in a year now - ohmygod let's not talk about this. So I have a real lot of them at home, and I must say I enjoy them a lot, so much that I tend to miss them here, yet not as much as my pets. All of this to tell you that I truly believe in the well being plants can spread. It is much more than a source of oxygen for us, it is a source of joy.
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