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Healthy mornings

Saturday 9 June 2018

Summer is almost here, and since few months now I have tried to get myself into an healthier routine, both for my body to feel and look better. As a French person, I tend to be unhealthy straight away when I wake up: coffee with milk, bread with butter and jam, croissants and other pains au chocolat were part of my morning diet. Nobody had to tell me off, I knew that it was not good. Since I have moved to Amsterdam, I kind of left this bad habit behind for obvious reasons: it is hard to find good bread and croissant in this country. My breakfast diet has then completely changed, and I discovered, about two years ago, something I never had tested before: oatmeal. Quickly enough, I discovered all the good this food would do to me, thanks to the FitnessGoals website. I was then pleased to learn that it was a source of many minerals, including magnesium, iron and zinc. But more than that, it is a real stomach filler. I must say that I do not start craving for food at 11.00 anymore, and I guess that it is up to this magical potion. FitnessGoals also taught me that as a source of fibers, oatmeal was both good for your digestive system and regulate - or even help loose! - weight. A winner in other words.

When I read this article, I was so glad I have been eating oatmeal for months now, and to be fair, at first, it was all right. I had oatmeal every morning with berries, and was happy with it. But to be honest, with the time, I started to be fed up with the taste of it and my usual berries mix. Luckily, FitnessGoal's post did much more than simply explain the benefits of an oatmeal breakfast, it also game me ideas to improve my oatmeal game and actually enjoy eating it every morning. I have then learnt that you can put absolutely everything in your oatmeal, from cocoa powder to pumpkin pie spice. I was not so sure at first, but gave a try to the different options they proposed, and ended up eating a different breakfast every morning, but with the same health basis. The post on their website gives various ideas and options you should definitely give a try to, but also proposes many other recipes and tips to be healthy and in good shape! As for me, my favorite  recipe is to mix a tiny bit of honey with my oatmeal, then to add some honeycomb, bananas and bloody orange. Delicious, and getting me ready for Summer.



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